WS v4 2021


Année : 2021
Programme : Freeride polyvalent, Vagues
Promos : Promos


L'aile de surfkite Ws séries v4 2021 est l'aile dédiée à la pratique du surf en kite de la gamme ELEVEIGHT.

Parfaite pour du freeride. Sa grande plage de vent et sa stabilité en font une aile parfaite pour progresser et prendre confiance.

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En achetant ce produit vous pouvez gagner jusqu'à 68 points de fidélité. Votre panier totalisera 68 points pouvant être transformé(s) en un bon de réduction de 6,80 €.

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639,50 €


1 279,00 € TTC

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Aile de kitesurf - WS v4 2021 - ELEVEIGHT kites en promo

L'aile de surfkite Ws séries v4 2021 est l'aile dédiée à la pratique du surf en kite de la gamme ELEVEIGHT.

La Eleveight WS v4 2021 voit le jour avec une envie de donner aux surfeurs en kite une aile qui leur convient. Une aile de kitesurf dédiée à la vague qui n’a rien à envier à ses concurrentes sans pour autant être une aile ultra exclusive.


L'aile de surfkite Ws séries v4 2021 est une conception hybride Open-C à trois lattes conçue pour le kitesurf vagues, les foils et le freeride. Kitesurf haute performance avec des caractéristiques de pilotage direct. Conçue drifter lors des plus belles sessions vagues.  Le rapport d'aspect moyen assure une énorme plage de vent.

eleveight ws 2021 plage de vent


  • Three-strut Open-C Hybrid design made for wave-, foil- and freeriding
  • High-performance kite with rapid turning characteristics
  • Designed with a stable downwind drift for carefree surfing
  • Medium aspect ratio ensures enormous wind range and low end
  • Light bar pressure for single hand control for best surfing experience

The WSeries kite is your ticket to the green room. Riding waves has never been more accessible and fun than with Version 4 of our dedicated surf kite. Its outstanding performance allows you to catch any wave with ease, automatically switching to auto-pilot as soon as you drop in. The Open-C hybrid design with three struts provides power right when you need it while drifting unobtrusively along when you ride the face of the wave. It has exceptionally swift pivotal turning characteristics that enable you to pinwheel the kite without being ripped off the board. Throwing massive spray comes naturally to the WS as it automatically synchronizes with your surfing maneuvers. Hack into the lip with extreme force or do smooth flowing carves, the choice is yours. The huge wind range, as well as the light bar pressure, make it a favorite for freeriders and foil addicts too.

It was a tough challenge to further improve the WS as it was already a favorite for seasoned surfing veterans. However, we found some characteristics we were able to enhance for this year’s version. We completely reworked the bridle design, improving its geometry. This development further advances the very light yet direct bar pressure. Next, we redefined the canopy curve to provide a better load distribution, expanding the wind range. By adding extra sweep to the wingtips, we also gained more low-end performance. By reducing a tremendous amount of weight, we made Version 4 faster than ever. To achieve this, we switched to new ultra-light load diffusers while also reworking the trailing edge. It now has innovative anti-vibration patches, that are more aerodynamic while also reducing flutter for longevity. We are proud that the WS is more performant than ever before. No matter the swell, the WS will make sure you are having a blast.

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